Group Donation

When you work together, your reach is greater


Thank you for choosing Hair We Share for your charity event!

As a not-for-profit organization Hair We Share relies on monetary donations to be able to manufacture donated hair into wigs. Combining ponytail donations with fundraising allows us to gift wigs free of charge. A monetary donation of $145.00 for each ponytail collected fully covers the manufacturing expense. Hair We Share is proudly the only organization that services both children and adults struggling with any type of medical related hair loss.


Step 1

Find a location to host your event and connect with a hair salon or beauty school for cutting hair. Only use licensed hair stylists for cutting hair.

Step 2

Gather your planning committee and volunteers to prepare for your event.


Step 3

Plan how you will raise funds to sponsor your ponytail donations. You can create a fundraising campaign through our  Crowd Funding Page.  Get started in advance by sharing your crowd fund page through social media and email.


Step 4

Download our customizable Hair We Share Donation Day flyer and banner. We ask that you only use advertising that is approved by Hair We Share. The Hair We Share logo is a registered trademark. Please do not alter our logo in any way. If you would like to use your own advertising design please contact us for our full style guide.


Step 5

Get the word out. Contact local news. Connect with us on social media and create a buzz.


Step 6

Event day! Have zip loc bags on hand, each individual clean and dry hair donation in its own bag, label with donor names and contact information. Take lots of photos and have fun!

Please click here to see guidelines for hair donations and cutting hair.

Fundraising Ideas During Your Event

Contact local business for raffle prizes

Contact local restaurants to serve refreshments.

Plan a bake sale

Plan a car wash

Include a flea market

ask local companies to come and sell their goods, charge a fee or ask them to donate a percentage of their sales